Article Ghost Writer

An article ghost writer is a professional writer who is paid for writing articles, books, reports, stories and other types of texts that are credited officially to another person. Ghost writers are mostly hired by political leaders, celebrities and executives for drafting and editing magazine articles, autobiographies and other types of written material.

Reasons For Hiring an Article Ghost Writer

The ghost writer has various degrees of interest and involvement in producing a finished work. The article ghost writer is also hired for cleaning up rough drafts, editing and some are even hired for writing articles based on outlines that are provided by the author. The ghost writer may also need to do some research work, particularly those who are hired for writing autobiographies. Ghost writers are also hired for writing fiction by following the style of another existing author. The ghost writer may be acknowledged by the publisher of the author for the writing in some cases. Even composers hire ghost writers to help them write songs and musical pieces. The pop music ghost writer will write melodies or lyrics, for instance.

The Role of the Article Ghost Writer

The work between the credited author and article ghost writer varies greatly. The ghost writer will do most of the writing work using the stories and concepts that are provided by the credited author. The ghost writer may need to do extensive research on their subject and the may rarely prepare a book or articles without input from the credited author. The ghost writer will review previous interviews, articles and speeches to get more points to write. These writers are also hired by publishers in order to increase the number of books published every year under the name of some highly marketable or well-known authors.

Article Ghost Writer Types

There are various types of article ghost writers who write articles and books on various topics and they will be specialized or more interested in that particular field. Some of the types of ghost writers are included below.

Nonfiction ghost writers are used widely by public figures and celebrities. The ghost writer’s degree of involvement may vary from minor to extensive. Fiction ghost writers are hired particularly by fiction publishers for many reasons. The publishers may use them for increasing the quantity of books published every year. They are mostly used for penning fiction works for some well-known authors in genres like mysteries, detective fiction, teen fiction and much more. They are also used by publishers to write many new books for established series, like Nancy Drew.  The author here will be pseudonym. 

Medical article ghost writers are hired by pharmaceutical companies. Medical ghost writers can write papers and reports. Website article ghost writers are mostly freelancers who work under the basis of contract. Bloggers and SEO writers are examples of this. Finally, academic ghost writers are hired by college and University students to write essays, theses, dissertations and term papers particularly for essay mills, which offer online services.

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