Famous Ghostwriters

A ghost writer is generally a professional writer who gets paid to pen on an assigned topic like articles, books, memoir, stories, reports, or other texts that are officially credited to another person. They most of the time write totally from scratch but sometimes their work involves honing or rewriting an already existing book. A famous ghost writer is the same as a professional writer, the only difference is that, they are working or have worked with famous people in society.  

What Do Famous Ghost Writers Usually Do?

On their part, famous ghost writers are generally already established writers, and are selected on the basis of their past performances. They are professional consultants providing expertise in the area of gathering all the information together, organizing it, and penning it up in a way that will create a readable and marketable masterpiece. They are asked to write many types of documents, from autobiographies and memoirs for famous personalities and celebrities, to e-books for Internet marketing gurus, and even letters for politicians. Some of ghost writers continue to pen novels or sequels under the brand name of popular writers who are no longer alive. Most all of the books in the world written by famous personalities are basically written by ghost writers. When you find an autobiography or memoir from a businessperson, businessman or a celebrity, there is very much a chance that it has been written by someone else.

Some Famous Ghost Writers

Famous ghost writers are given the title of being “famous” due to the fact that their identities have become public knowledge, either through notoriety or through the achievements and refutation of their rich, famous or powerful employers. Here are a few examples “John F. Kennedy: Profiles in Courage” is a Pulitzer Prize winning work ghosted by Theodore Sorenson, but the two of them denied such claims. The autobiography "Ronald Reagan: An American Life" was ghost written by the skillful Robert Lindsey. Clinton won a Grammy Award for a recording of her memoirs, “Living History.” “Learning to Sing” was ghostwritten by Allison Glock, which is the autobiography of famous American Idol fame Clay Aiken.  H. P. Lovecraft served as a ghost writer for Harry Houdini. The autobiographies of Sophie Loren and Doris Day were written by the famous ghost writer A.E. Hotchner.  William Shatner had great ideas but poor writing skills, so someone ghostwrote his science fiction novels; and perhaps most interesting of all, “Star Wars,” credited to George Lucas (who did write the script and the concept for the story), when it was novelized, was actually written by Alan Dean Foster.

The Popularity of Famous Ghost Writers

So how popular are these famous ghost writers? Their reputation and popularity speaks for themselves. Whether you call it luck, or being in the right place at the right time, one can never tell. But unlike what some might believe, writing isn't an easy profession and hiring someone who has the skill and experience to write for the proper audience can do wonders for sharing the knowledge someone has, who can't write it well themselves. So a famous ghost writer is used to make the writing professional and compelling, while the person with the experience, reputation, information, notoriety and achievements gets all the credit.

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